Abstract Since 9/11, states around the world have engaged in efforts to counter the so-called terrorist threat. Besides neo-colonial military projects, this has manifested itself in a mushrooming of laws, policies, and practices in the realm of counterterrorism, and an explosion of research into terrorism, extremism, and radicalisation. In this chapter, drawing on my experiences…
Tag: racism
Studying Terror Through my I’s: Autoethnographic Insider/Outsider Reflections of an Arab-Muslim Researcher
Abstract The phenomena referred to as terrorism and political violence have become a major object of academic interest over the past two decades. While the lack of first-hand data collection has been criticised, a growing number of researchers are conducting field research and interviews with individuals involved in these phenomena. Among those, there are scholars with ethnic,…
RTS Forum: 11 septembre 2001 – la montée de l’islamophobie?
Table ronde avec Micheline Calmy-Rey, ancienne conseillère fédérale en charge des affaires étrangères, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, professeur d’histoire et politique internationales à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et de développement à Genève, Jean-Marc Rickli, directeur des risques globaux au Centre de politique et de sécurité de Genève, Ahmed Ajil, docteur en criminologie, et Cyrille…