In diesem Beitrag gehe ich auf die Biografie al-Sharaa’s ein und darauf, was diese für Post-Assad Syrien bedeuten könnte. Hier geht es zum Beitrag: “Wer ist Ahmed al-Sharaa, der Mann, der Assad stürzte?” Hier kann man den Beitrag hören: Hier geht’s zum PDF:
Tag: syria
Der Schweizer Anti-Terror Kampf (Teil 1)
Dies ist der erste Teil aus einer dreiteiligen Serie über den Schweizer Anti-Terror-Kampf, den ich mit Unterstützung von Carlos Hanimann für die Republik verfassen durfte. Lesen Sie hier. Haben Sie das Video gesehen? Von dem Teenager, der eine dunkle Kapuze über den Kopf gezogen hatte und in die Kamera sprach? Im Video schwor der Junge…
Leaving peace for war: An exploratory study of Swiss men’s trajectories toward engagement in Arab conflicts
While the issue of foreign fighting has been very present in Swiss public discourse in recent years, little is known about the actual trajectories of young men who engage in this particular form of political violence. Based primarily on face-to-face in-depth interviews with four Swiss male nationals who travelled to conflict zones in the Arab…
‘Yes, security, there is security. But other than that, nothing.’: An empirical inquiry into the ‘everyday (in)security’ of Syrian and Iraqi urban refugees in Jordan
Ahmed Ajil[1], Manon Jendly[2], Claudia Campistol Mas[3] Scholarship on security has recently seen a shift from traditionally state-centric, elitist and objectivist conceptions of ‘security’ towards human-centred perspectives which put emphasis on forms of ‘vernacular’ and ‘everyday’ security, and promote bottom-up empirical inquiries to further our understand of what security looks like ‘from below’. There remains, however,…
Studying Terror Through my I’s: Autoethnographic Insider/Outsider Reflections of an Arab-Muslim Researcher
Abstract The phenomena referred to as terrorism and political violence have become a major object of academic interest over the past two decades. While the lack of first-hand data collection has been criticised, a growing number of researchers are conducting field research and interviews with individuals involved in these phenomena. Among those, there are scholars with ethnic,…