Diesen Vortrag hielt ich anlässlich eines Workshops des Vereins Prometheus in Zürich am 16. Oktober 2024. Ich werde heute über Combat Masculinty sprechen, also über den Zusammenhang zwischen den unterschiedlichen Verständnissen von Maskulinität und dem Bedürfnis, oder Wunsch, sich physisch körperlich für eine Sache einzusetzen, wenn nötig, mit dem eigenen Leben. Maskulinität Wenn wir als…
Tag: violence
Engaging with politico-ideological violence and politico-ideological mobilisation in relation to the Arab World
This chapter discusses scholarly and international definitions of terrorism, extremism, radicalisation and proposes a new definition of politico-ideological violence and mobilisation. The pertinence of taking the Arab World as a focal point for this study of grievances is elaborated on. ON a global level, political violence and mobilisation since 9/11 have been significantly impacted by…
‘Yes, security, there is security. But other than that, nothing.’: An empirical inquiry into the ‘everyday (in)security’ of Syrian and Iraqi urban refugees in Jordan
Ahmed Ajil[1], Manon Jendly[2], Claudia Campistol Mas[3] Scholarship on security has recently seen a shift from traditionally state-centric, elitist and objectivist conceptions of ‘security’ towards human-centred perspectives which put emphasis on forms of ‘vernacular’ and ‘everyday’ security, and promote bottom-up empirical inquiries to further our understand of what security looks like ‘from below’. There remains, however,…
Politico-ideological violence: Zooming in on grievances
Most studies on politico-ideological violence (PIV) recognize the importance of socio-political and economic grievances, but they rarely analyse them in depth. I argue that this is symptomatic of a tendency of depoliticization in radicalization research in the post 9/11 context and suggest that the study of PIV may benefit from putting greater emphasis on the…
Politico-ideological violence and mobilisation in the Arab World: All in (Routledge, 2023)
This book presents a study of politico-ideological mobilisation and violence by focusing on the life stories, trajectories and narratives of individuals who mobilised for causes and conflicts in the Arab World. It provides a greater understanding of the biographical, sociological, political and historic factors pertinent for their radicalisation processes. What makes individuals identify with suffering…
Décoloniser la criminologie: Postulats et pistes de réflexion
Si le colonialisme en tant qu’époque historique marquée par l’invasion, l’appropriation et la domination de territoires et de corps primairement dans le Sud Global est majoritairement terminée, les appels à la décolonisation, eux, persistent autour du monde dans différentes sphères de la société. Dans les milieux académiques, depuis le tournant du millénaire, le courant dit…